Stay tuned and follow us on all our social media channels!
Over the past year, our project has flourished, evolving and spreading its impact far and wide. We’ve trained new operators within the cultural institutions involved
The third and last result
The final and last output of the project is here! The third result is a “Guidelines for museums and cultural institutions”, to promote the availability
Multiplier Events
During the month of March 2023 all the partners held their own Multiplier Event. These were national events with the main aims of raising awareness
Training activities within the aacc project have been successfully completed
We are pleased to announce an important milestone achieved by the project “A.A.C.cessible Culture: museums for everyone developing the Alternative Augmentative Communication tools” [AACC]: The
Now, all our products available in 8 languages!
The experimentation phase is almost done after several months implementing for the first time the first output of our project. Also, at the same time
The “A.A.C.CESSIBLE CULTURE” project is almost at the end of its experimentation phase.
From 27th to 29th of July took place the fourth phase of experimentation of the “A.A.C.Cessible Culture” tools, at the Palace of Culture, in Iasi,
The “A.A.C.cessible Culture” project is in the middle of its fundamental experimentation phase.
The operational partners met in three of the countries involved in the project to experiment and verify together the tools and methodologies defined during IO1.
“A.A.C.Cessible Culture” project visit to Madeira, Portugal
From the 14th to the 16th of June, the School of APEL received the partners of the ERASMUS+ project “A.A.C.Cessible Culture” for the activities of
The Guide in AAC at the Utopia Exhibition in Castello d’Albertis, Genoa
We are happy to present the guide in symbols that Solidarietà e Lavoro, leader of the European project “A.A.C.cessible Culture museums for everyone developing the
YES! Festival delle potenzialità
Facebook live broadcast on March 13th 2022, starting at 9 PM. YES! Festival delle potenzialità is a festival that was born with the aim