Over the past year, our project has flourished, evolving and spreading its impact far and wide. We’ve trained new operators within the cultural institutions involved in our experimental phase, focusing on effectively using the carefully selected tools and developed manuals and protocols, fostering meaningful relationships with our target audience. Alongside traditional artistic collections, we’ve developed […]

The third and last result

The final and last output of the project is here! The third result is a “Guidelines for museums and cultural institutions”, to promote the availability of AAC tools and to define the profile and organisation of operators competent to use it with children and young people, always supporting educational systems.  This result systematizes the previous […]

Multiplier Events

During the month of March 2023 all the partners held their own Multiplier Event. These were national events with the main aims of raising awareness of the project and its results, and encouraging exploitation of results by the direct and indirect target groups. Moreover, it was a great opportunity to present the synthesis of the […]

Training activities within the aacc project have been successfully completed

We are pleased to announce an important milestone achieved by the project “A.A.C.cessible Culture: museums for everyone developing the Alternative Augmentative Communication tools” [AACC]: The training activities aimed at the project’s operating partners have been successfully completed! Various training sessions (called C) were carried out during the project, to give all the figures involved the […]

Now, all our products available in 8 languages!

The experimentation phase is almost done after several months implementing for the first time the first output of our project. Also, at the same time the partnership is working on the last details of the second output that soon will be available on our website. In the meanwhile, we have something new we are very […]

“A.A.C.Cessible Culture” project visit to Madeira, Portugal

From the 14th to the 16th of June, the School of APEL received the partners of the ERASMUS+ project “A.A.C.Cessible Culture” for the activities of experimenting museum guides adapted to communication with symbols. The agenda included: Visit to the The City of Sugar Museum and the Frederico de Freitas House Museum with students from the […]

The Guide in AAC at the Utopia Exhibition in Castello d’Albertis, Genoa

We are happy to present the guide in symbols that Solidarietà e Lavoro,  leader of the European project “A.A.C.cessible Culture museums for everyone developing the Alternative Augmentative Communication Tools”, created for the “Sweet table” section of the Utopia exhibition in Castello D’Albertis in Genoa (Italy). Castello D’Albertis is one of the Genoese museums by its […]

YES! Festival delle potenzialità

Facebook live broadcast on March 13th 2022, starting at 9 PM.   YES! Festival delle potenzialità is a festival that was born with the aim of creating a space in which every person (regardless of ethnicity, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender expression, social background, and any other personal characteristics) can make available their […]